Monday, September 21, 2009

Assignment 2

This assignment involved revamping a very poor PowerPoint presentation. The five main changes I made to it are as follows:
1. I got rid of the incredibly annoying animations and simply made the text "appear" on cue.
2. I drastically reduced the amount of text per slide, and limited it to the most important points.
3. I added pictures to enhance the presentation, making sure to give credit where credit is due.
4. I enlarged the text, adjusted the colors, and added titles to enhance its readability.
5. I made the entire presentation more aesthetically pleasing by coordinating the slides by color and format.

Croswnest Fire Presentation

Monday, September 14, 2009

As part of my teacher training I am taking a class on Communications Technology and our first assignment is to start a blog. I've always had a bit of an aversion to posting anything personal on the web, but this is a required course so here goes! Incidentally, one of my previous courses involved an Internet assignment, and while most of my classmates created blogs, stubborn me refused. Instead, I created a PowerPoint presentation, emailed it to myself, and when the time came to present it I opened my email account and said "As you can see, my assignment is on the web--its just password protected!" I thought that was pretty clever of me and the professor was so gracious as to accept that it did, indeed, meet the assignment requirements, and respected my wishes for privacy. But alas, for this class I can think of no way to avoid publishing my personal thoughts on the web.

We just had a show of hands as to who has a facebook account and I was one of very few who did not. Its not that I'm a Luddite or anything--don't get me wrong--I like technology! I just don't like broadcasting my personal opinions, etc. (which I may some day regret) for the whole world to see.